Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Grad student points out 2nd security flaw on TSA Web site

WASHINGTON (CNN) — For those keeping score, it’s Chris Soghoian 2; TSA 0. For the second time, the Indiana University graduate student has succeeded in embarrassing the Transportation Security Administration by exposing potential vulnerabilities to its security systems.

Soghoian first caught the government’s attention when he put an airline “boarding pass generator” on his Web site. Visitors to the site generated some 36,000 fake boarding passes before the FBI took it down, Soghoian said. Though the fake passes could not be used to board planes, people on government “watch lists” conceivably could use them to get past airport screening checkpoints, said Soghoian, who said he wanted to shame the TSA into taking action to close the security loophole.

His latest tussle with the TSA is outlined in a report by Rep. Henry Waxman’s House Oversight Committee, which credits the graduate student with discovering a loophole in a TSA Web site last year that potentially jeopardized private information from scores of people.

–From CNN Producer Mike M. Ahlers

Monday, January 14, 2008

People with a lot of money

Maybe I am cynical.

I seem to expose myself to events that I do not think are "right" and I am trying to decide the course of action I should take.
I had two encounters with an individual that has more money than I will ever have. The first one he came over to me over an issue and was just totally being an ass, yelling and ranting and raving to no end over some minor B.S. And the best part, is that he was not addressing the person that caused the situation in the first place.
What amazes me is that I was not my typical self. I normally would have said more back. Since he has the financial power he has I realized that if I had done something I should not it would cost me more in the end. Then today he started more issues with me today that adults should be able to resolve between each other and not drag others into it like he did. I wish there was a way that I would not have to interact with this individual but, right now there is not. Unless I stop putting myself in the same location that he is in. I am highly considering that.
I wish there was a law that prevented Assholes from being financially set for life. Bit is is amazing to me that people can be that way.

Why can we not all get along?? Life is too short and should be enjoyed.

Sorry if this is just a useless rant

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Obama Vs. the GOP?

First of all, I want to say I am not a Dem. I find it amazing that he beat out Hillary at the Iowa Caucus. I think it would be a great day when he would be the Dem's nomination for President. I am not fully decided on who in my party that I am behind. Sometimes I think they are all full of B.S. and we should just vote for "none of the above". I will say this, I have been known to say that when my primary comes up I will change parties just to vote against Hillary. She has had her turn at president. What does everyone else think? Is anyone really reading what I have written??

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Helicopter Makes Hard Landing At Hospital Helipad

CLIFTON -- A medical helicopter made a hard landing at University Hospital early Tuesday morning.UH's director of aircraft Dudley Smith said the helicopter, owned by Patroleum Helicopters Inc., had dropped off a patient just after 5:30 a.m."As they were leaving, the pilot had a little bit of operational control problem with the aircraft and ended up doing a hard landing on our helipad," Smith said.
But the helicopter didn't make a clean landing on the pad, instead landing to the side, damaging its landing skids and tangling itself in a safety fence.The result left much of the helicopter dangling off the edge of the building.Firefighters were able to secure the helicopter and keep it from falling, then helped to pull it away from the ledge."The helicopter is obviously going to have to go off of our helipad. I don't think its going to be able to fly off so we have to look at operational issues as far as cranes or another helicopter and we'll do that over the next several days," Smith said.The flight crew was not hurt in the incident.